<aside> 📖 The ultimate collaborative productivity system to help you stay organized, track progress, and communicate with clients.

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The dashboard gives you a quick overview of your projects, tasks, and meetings in one go.



Today View

Database vs spreadsheet

A database view might look similar to a spreadsheet but is more limited allow you to view the same data in lot of different ways. List, calendar, kanban overview of your post production que

Three main databases:


A unit of work that is too big to complete in one go, and therefore needs to be broken down into several smaller tasks to make it easier to complete.

Resource examples

Resource database

Main resource types

Special resource types


A task should be small enough in scope, that you can complete in one go. It can be a one-off thing or linked to a project.

What is an area

New area template

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Areas vs. projects


Manage your meetings (and meeting notes) with clients and suppliers. Meetings can also be linked to projects.

What are apps

Active apps vs. all

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<aside> <img src="/icons/asterisk_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/asterisk_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Start here: How to use this template


How to use this template

The project hub is where most of our work happens. It is made up of two main databases; projects and tasks, as well as a number of other context specific databases.